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芝大附近,Studio出租 [复制链接]

Furnished studio (with kitchen and 1 bathroom) located at 51rd
street and S Kenwood Ave. near U of C for summer sublease.
(Available from late Jun to mid Sep)

5 minutes walk to grocery stores (Produce/CVS/Village food),
banks(Chase/BoA) and restaurants. 15 minutes walk to campus.
Multiple CTA routes to downtown. CTA 172 to campus. Night time
U of C shuttle east/north route. Bike rooms, indoor 24-hour
laundry facilities.

All the utilities(gas, water, Internet) included in the rent. You pay NOTHING. Rent
is negotiable. Prefer U of C students/professionals.

Original price: 756/m
Sublease price: 600/m

Email tillytillywang@gmail.com or call 773-255-4885 if you are interested. Thanks!
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发新话题 回复该主题