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FREE for kids 15 & youngerOffer and refund details—Your ticket purchase includes a one-year subscription to one of the following magazines: Yachting (12 issues), Field & Stream (10 issues), Outdoor Life (12 issues), Islands (8 issues) or Men's Journal (12 issues), each valued at $7.00. A postcard with refund information will follow. There are no hidden obligations and you will not receive any bills. Your name, mailing address and email address will be forwarded to the publisher for the purpose of fulfilling your magazine subscription. Please allow 6-8 weeks for your first issue to arrive.
http://www.chicagoboatshow.com/attendees/admission.aspx 网上购票网址 送一年杂志
看看介绍 活动还挺多的 因为有钓鱼 所以我就发上来了
打算明天去那里玩玩 反正门票也不贵 就是不知道停车啥情况