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UIC东校区3min步行。350刀每月!挥泪转租卧室一间! [复制链接]

位于UIC东区图书馆步行三分钟距离卧室一间招租,350刀一个月,utilities三个人均摊,大概40刀左右每个月。小意大利区,很安全,距离蓝线,60,157等公交站步行距离均在3分钟内,附近走路就可以到Mariano fresh market,Target,沃尔玛等超市,去哪里都很方便。心动不如行动!邮件联系qiaokeliali@gmail.com. 我一旦看到会立刻回复您!
This is a 2br, 1 living rm, house located in Little Italy, 3 mins walking distance to UIC east campus, 3 mins walking distance to subway blue line, #60, #7, #157, #8 are all within 4 mins walking.  Pretty safe area, it's okay and no danger if you got back home a bit later.  Rent is $350 per month, utilities are about 40 bucks per month.  
Dog free, but well trained.  There is a bed and desk in this room, they are bought by me, if you want, you can keep them.  Move in date is flexible, but no later than April 1st.  One month deposit.  Feel free to contact me via email: qiaokeliali@gmail.com if you have any questions.
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