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多功能商业楼招租 ,location!location!location! [复制链接]

位于芝加哥市繁华的Little Village中心地带,三层商业楼,每层楼的面积约为5500平方英尺,现出租地下室,一层以及二层,, 可分租或整租,非常适合办公室,银行或餐厅,也适合其他各种商业门面。位置极佳,租金合理。有意者请和Mary Ma联系。联系电话:773-277-6888。
Location, Location, Location! Marvelous commercial space available. Right in the heart of Little Village, on a flourishing business street, a commercial building with an abundance of space is waiting for you. With 3 floors, each measuring in excess of 5500 Sq ft, this is an opportunity that should not be missed.

With marvelous architecture and superb location, 3801 W. 26th St., Chicago, IL 60623 is ideal for banks, offices, restaurants, or for other commercial use. Rent is reasonable. If interested, please contact Mary Ma at 773-277-6888.
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