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Chinatown Security Committee (6/10)‏ [复制链接]

Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:29 PM

Hi All:
Good suggestions from David about the casinos.

We still need to tackle the source of the problem. How are able to drive the criminals away from our community?  Ms Phyllis Cavallone, principal of St. Therese School, brought up a successful story for our consideration-- her neighborhood formed a watch group last year, divided the high crime times into 2-hour blocks and ALL took slots and were on alert. They drove around in pairs and sent messages with much detail as possible.  They called 911 when they see any overly suspicious behavior. They were able to lower the crime rate in their neighborhood!

If the associations in Chinatown are willing to join, we may be able to form a powerful neighborhood watch group. We can identify the high crime hours and each association be responsible for a certain time slot to cover these hours each day for the next three months with full evaluation afterwards. The idea is not to encounter the criminals. All we do is to call 911!

I have been calling some leaders from the family associations. They are willing to get involved. However, the majority of them do not have e-mail addresses. So far I have only 2 associations with executive members that can be contacted by e-mail. They are Gee Tuck Association and So Yuen Association. We can invite them to our next Security meeting.

Please give the e-mail address of any association you know to Chi Can to facilitate notice of future Security Committee meetings. For the rest of the Chinatown associations,  we probably need to issue them notices in Chinese and/or calls in order to get them to our meetings.

Dominic Lai
American Family Insurance
245 W 23rd Street
Chicago, IL 60616
Tel: 312-567-7001  Fax: 312-567-9234
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