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芝大附近,三房一厅,每房$400, 包水电煤气 [复制链接]

There is a 3 BR/1 BA house for rent. You can move in immediately.

  3 full size Bedroom,1 bath, large kitchen, 1 large living room.

  Hardwood floors, private backyard, modern spa-shower, tall ceilings, safe and clean.

Plenty of street parking are available.

  Walking distance to to shops ( walgreen super mkt right to the corner) and Campus of UC.

  Rent is $400/month for each BR and includes heat and water and electricity. Building also has on-site laundry at the basement.


  Best rent all 3 BR, further discussion needed if you just want 1 or 2 BR

  To see pictures , pls go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/53781403@N05/.

Contact info:  jiyuhuang@uchicago.edu.  Cell:  312 451 2515
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