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- 2009-04-04
发表于 2010-10-29 11:51

Jesse White 与协胜公会同仁合影留念,左五为协胜公会主席陈羡韶
Ladies and Gentlemen,
My name is Joseph Chan. I am so honor today and so please to have the opportunity to say a few words about Jesse White, the Secretary of State of Illinois.
各位, 我是協胜公會, 陳羡韶, 今日好榮幸和好高興 有這麼個機會講幾句話有關, 伊州州務卿, 傑出怀德先生.
Jesse is running for re-election. 怀德先生是有意再次競選連任的.
今晚, 他特別來到華埠, 就是想聽一聽各位有什麼提議要他改善, 點樣可以做得更好 ! Jesse came here today in Chinatown, to listen to you on how he can do his job better ! Of course, he loves to see you and especially your generous donations !
當然, 他很開心見到你們和你們熱情的捐款啦 ! 州務卿, 傑出怀德先生是一位為民請命的長官. 在他任職期內, 政績彪炳, 建樹良多, 推行的珍惜生命成可貴的程序計劃, 更是蜚聲國際.
His Third term accomplishments have earned him and his department recognition from organizations and elected officials from across the nation and the world. Illinois is generally acknowledged and praised as one of the most effective, on roads safety state in the United States.
伊州是全美被公認為駛車最安全最有效率的地方. White initiates landmark law to save lives of teen drivers.
尤其是在駕駛車, 安全法規上 , 他對未滿21 歲 的未成年人, 他採取嚴厲措施, 令年青人有警覺性 , 有責任感, 未在適當的時機, 他絕不批發正式駕駛執照給他們.
The Illinois's New GDL program is the best in the country. GDL stands for Graduated Driver License system for Beginner Drivers. This program is designed to reduce driving risks for teenage drivers. 他使用續漸放寬政策, 由15 歲開始加緊管制, 大一歲放鬆一點點, 直至成年 2 1 歲為止. 每晚提早一個鐘頭戒嚴, 由晚上 10 時 至明早 6 時, 不准駛車. 你知唔知道, 這條法例救活了多少青少年的性命呀 !
Do you know how many young lives this program have saved ? DUI - Driving Under Influence 醉酒駛車, 害人害己, 他嚴刑處分, 絕不姑息, 甚至判監, 停牌重罰.
Illinois' Organ /Tissue Donor program leads the nation
傑出怀德先生推廣一個註冊委託書的程序計劃, 就是註冊人, 如有事故, 出事, 身亡後, 可照其委託意願, 捐贈其本人器官, 內臟, 纖維, 給有需要及等待接受器官移殖的病人. 你知唔知道, 這個程序計劃領導全國, 救活了多少病人, 又帶給了等待接受器官移殖的人 多少的鼓舞和希望呀 !
Do you know how many lives have been saved and how much hope this program has given to the patients of whom are on the waiting list for the organs' transplant ?
Whites enhances online services for Business
Whites received National award recognition for his efforts on teens' driving safety.
怀德先生, 在維護青少年安全駕駛措施上, 不遺餘力, 得到國會拍搏頭的一致贊同和誇獎.
There are so many more accomplishments during his 3 terms as Secretary of State of Illinois, I will not list all of them.
各位, 怀德先生在任期內, 有好多貢獻, 也做了很多好事, 我也就不一一介紹了. 我現在借用總統先生講的話 :
Now, I would like to borrow words from President Obama :
Jesse White, 傑出怀德 You can Trust him - 你們可以信賴他 You can rely on him - 你們可以依靠他 You can count on him - 你們可以託付給他
He is the kind of person you want to be your Secretary of State of Illinois and remain your Secretary of State of Illinois. 他就是那種人選, 你們長期所渴望和等待的伊州州務卿 和将再次的伊州州務卿啊 ﹗ 各位﹐ 咁樣好的官﹐ 怎可以唔為人民服務呀 ﹗ Such a good official, how can we not let him serve us !
Ladies and Gentlemen, Please help Jesse White to be re-elected. How ? Go cast your vote for Jesse White for Secretary of State of Illinois on November 2 and punch # 31 please.
各位﹐ 咁樣好的官﹐點可以唔留任呀 ! 請大家以行動來支持他, 在十一月二日, 請投他一票 ! 謝謝 !
Ladies and Gentlemen, Have you noticed the Chinese name of Jesse White ?
各位, 你們有否留意到, 他的中文名字呀 ?
Jesse, 傑出, means Excellency in performance during his terms as Secretary of State of Illinois.
White, 怀德
古語有謂, "君子怀德, 小人怀惠". There is an old Chinese saying, "Nobleman only remembers and appreciates the good things you have done for him".
What a name in Chinese and in English ! 名字好, 改得也好 !
No matter what the outcome, Jesse White will always remember you on before and after the election !
無論選舉前或者後, 結果如何, 傑出怀德 先生一定會一如既往的記住你們為他所付出的一切和努力呀 !
Thank you ! 謝謝 !