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IIT 附近有房可租,干净整洁,交通方便 [复制链接]

Pictures: http://www.flickr. com/photos/ 8279/sets/ 7215762336958499 9/

* Furnished bedrooms with bed, desk, chair, bookcase, closet, very clean
* 27th Street and Shields Ave.
* 3 minutes walk to IIT school bus stop
* 10 to 15 minutes walk to Chinatown and IIT main campus
* Central air & central heat
*Free wireless high speed Internet, Washer & Dryer, TV, MicrowareOven, Toast Oven, dinner table, chairs, 2 refrigerators in large eat-inkitchen.
* Rent from $340 and up + shared utilities
* Onsite parking available

Call 312-646-9100 or email yfan8279@yahoo. com

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