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西郊有公司招聘 Summer Intern [复制链接]

Company:     Tellabs
Job Description:  
This position is for a C#/.NET developer to assist in the porting of legacy web applications from ColdFusion to the .NET        platform.
Qualifications- Minimum Required  
The ideal candidate will have at least two years of an associate or bachelor level computer or IT degree program, and          will have strong interpersonal skills, and experience with  some or most of the following:
          • Microsoft .NET Framework using C.NET
          • Object-Oriented design and development skills
          • Team-oriented development environment
          • Experience using Visual Source Safe
          • IDEs - Visual Studio .NET
          • Web Technologies - ASP.NET, XML, Web  Services
          • MS SQL Server
          • Sharepoint

Please send resume to yinsong.li@tellabs.com
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