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PT 转租,家具奉送,勿需分担费用 [复制链接]

本人现为Kent法学院学生,提前完成学业,本学期结束之后将回国,所以需要转租位于PT(presidential tower) 的studio。 家具免费奉送,拎包入住。PT 地处芝城市区,紧邻联合车站(union station),公共交通十分便利,90和290号高速路均在几条街的距离。周围居住环境优越,购物,就餐,娱乐,各种生活设施齐全,有Walmart,whole food以及各种风格与特色餐厅。学区也好。Studio 位于40楼,朝南方向,视野开阔,窗景优美。转租期 12/17/2016-8/26/2017, 转租期结束之后如果愿意可与PT物业自行续约。欢迎联系手机:3123588636 或 邮箱sli147@kentlaw.iit.edu

now I am a student in the Kent college of law , after the end of the semester I will come back beijing, so need to sublease my room in PT (tower presidential) studio. furniture gifts, complimentary, bag check. PT is located in the city, nearby the union station, public transport is very convenient, 90 and 290 highway all the way in a few blocks away. Superior living environment, shopping, dining, entertainment, a variety of living facilities, there are Walmart, food whole, as well as a variety of styles and characteristics of the restaurant. School district. Studio is located on the 40 floor, south direction, vision, window scenery beautiful. Turn 12/17/2016-8/26/2017 ,turn after the end of the lease term, if willing to be with the PT. Welcome to contact mobile phone: 3123588636 or email sli147@kentlaw.iit.edu.
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