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国泰银行(Cathay Bank)招聘,工作地点:芝加哥 [复制链接]


CathayBank(国泰银行), a commercial bank servicing the Chinese-American community, seeks:

Branch Manager(Chicago-Chinatown) - Direct and control the business development, customerservice and operational functions within the branch to ensure growth andprofitability of the branch based on financial performance forecasts.
Req: Min 5 yrs banking and management exp;solid knowledge of gov’t regulations; knowledge of commercial lending products;bilingual English/Chinese.

Teller– Full Time (Chicago-Chinatown) - Processdeposit/withdrawal/wire transactions, customer service, and cross-sell bankproducts/services. Req: Cash handling; customer service experience; bilingualEnglish/Chinese.

Qualified candidates please send resumes and salary expectation with reference code N-934 to HR Dept., 9650 Flair Drive, El Monte, CA91731 or Fax: 626-279-3706 or Email: jobs@cathaybank.com

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