芝加哥侨学网编译】著名的市场调研公司Niche日前公布2018年“全美最宜居城镇”(2018 Best Cities to Live in America )排行榜。美国中西部城市再度包揽冠亚军。密西根州安娜堡市(Ann Arbor,MI)位列全美第一,芝加哥西郊瑞柏市(Naperville, IL)在再度排名全美第二。

Niche每年公布的学区、城镇排行,是人们安家落户的重要指南。2018“全美最适合居住城镇”排行,共考察了全美228个城市、15000多个城镇和社区。本次排行的四大评分标准包括:受过本科及以上高等教育的居民比例、消费水平、房价及房产税、公立学校。 此外,社区治安、就业机会、大都会通勤族上班的便利程度、各项令人舒适的社区设施、当地居民的评价与反馈,也是本次排行的重要因素。



公立学校教育质量,是全美最宜居城市评比的重要指标。图为瑞柏市Neuqua Valley 高中毕业典礼上一名华裔学生发表演讲(Daily Herald photo)

全美排名第一的密西根州安娜堡市(Ann Arbor, MI),是一座著名的大学城。全美著名学府、密西根大学安娜堡分校就位于该镇。大学城的年轻活力,美丽的呼伦河,大量的公园与自然保护区,积极向上的社区文化,健康成长的经济,全美一流的教育质量,安全的社区,实惠的房价,还有安娜堡市中心丰富多次的文化活动,成为安娜堡名列全美之冠的原因。
本次排行中入围全美前25的中西部地区城镇还包括:堪萨斯州欧芙兰公园(Overland Park, Kansas,全美第8名),威斯康辛州麦迪逊市(Madison,WI,全美第14名)、明尼苏达州罗切斯特镇(Rochester,Minnesota,全美第20名),密苏里州哥伦布镇(Columbia,Missouri,全美第21名)。
2018 美国最宜居城市前十强

1. Ann Arbor, Michigan
Overall score: A+
Public Schools score: A+
Housing score: B
"Good for families" score: A+
Crime and safety score: B-
Nightlife score: A
Diversity score: A

2. Naperville, Illinois
Overall score: A+
Public Schools score: A+
Housing score: A-
"Good for families" score: A+
Crime and safety score: B+
Nightlife score: B+
Diversity score: A

3. Berkeley, California
Overall score: A+
Public Schools score: A+
Housing score: C+
"Good for families" score: A+
Crime and safety score: C+
Nightlife score: A+
Diversity score: A+

4. Plano, Texas
Overall score: A+
Public Schools score: A
Housing score: A+
"Good for families" score: A+
Crime and safety score: B
Nightlife score: A-
Diversity score: A+

5. Arlington, Virginia
Overall score: A+
Public Schools score: A+
Housing score: C+
"Good for families" score: A+
Crime and safety score: N/A
Nightlife score: A+
Diversity score: A

6. Cambridge, Massachusetts
Overall score: A+
Public Schools score: A+
Housing score: C+
"Good for families" score: A+
Crime and safety score: B-
Nightlife score: A+
Diversity score: A

7. The Woodlands, Texas
Overall score: A+
Public Schools score: A+
Housing score: A-
"Good for families" score: A+
Crime and safety score: N/A
Nightlife score: B+
Diversity score: A-

8. Overland Park, Kansas
Overall score: A+
Public Schools score: A+
Housing score: A
"Good for families" score: A+
Crime and safety score: B-
Nightlife score: A-
Diversity score: A-

9. Richardson, Texas
Overall score: A+
Public Schools score: A+
Housing score: A-
"Good for families" score: A+
Crime and safety score: B-
Nightlife score: A-
Diversity score: A+

10. Irvine, California
Overall score: A+
Public Schools score: A+
Housing score: C
"Good for families" score: A+
Crime and safety score: B
Nightlife score: A-
Diversity score: A+

1. Ann Arbor, Michigan
2. Naperville, Illinois
3. Berkeley, California
4. Plano, Texas
5. Arlington, Virginia
6. Cambridge, Massachusetts
7. The Woodlands, Texas
8. Overland Park, Kansas
9. Richardson, Texas
10. Irvine, California
11. Columbia, Maryland
12. Bellevue, Washington
13. Boulder, Colorado
14. Madison, Wisconsin
15. San Francisco, California
16. Seattle, Washington
17. Round Rock, Texas
18. Raleigh, North Carolina
19. Sunnyvale, California
20. Rochester, Minnesota
21. Columbia, Missouri
22. Alexander, Virginia
23. Sandy Springs, Georgia
24. Austin, Texas
25. Fort Collins, Colorado