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Darryl Tom:Chinatown History and Xinhai Revolution [复制链接]






Help China andSupport Sun Zhongshan’s Revolution Efforts

Darryl Tom

Inever met my grandfather.  He died many years before I was born.  Butfrom what I have read in old newspaper articles and been told by my relatives,I know he was a great man.

TomYoung Chan was born on September 24, 1881 in the village of Ya’kou, Zhongshancounty, Guangdongprovince, the same county in which Sun Zhong-shan is from.  In America, hislegal surname was “Chan” because the officials in the U.S. failed torecognize that Chinese people give their surname first when introducingthemselves.

Whenhe was 17, he travelled to Honolulu, Hawaii and worked for the LungChi Pao, a weekly newspaper that reported for Sun Zhong-shan. He became a United Statescitizen as a result of the annexation of Hawaiion July 6, 1898.The Lung Chi Pao reorganized into the Min Sheng Daily in 1906, and later intothe Tan Shan Hsin Pao. In 1907, he helped raise funds to establish the Tzu YuHsin Pao (Freedom News).

In1908, he moved to the mainland, traveling first to New York City, where he learned how to makenoodles from a “sing sang” master, and then to Chicago. He believed that industry andcommerce were essential to financing the revolutionary cause.

In1909, he joined the T'ung Meng Hui (Revolutionary Alliance), which Dr. Sunestablished during his visit to Chicagothat December.

In1911, he founded the Chinese Noodle Company, Chinese Trading Company, and MinSun Company. During this year, he gave financial support to Dr. Sun’srevolutionary movement, which experienced a setback with the Canton uprising in April. After the WuchangUprising on October 10, he helped raise money so that Dr. Sun could return to China from the United Statesthrough Europe.

Mygrandfather continued to support Dr. Sun for the rest of his life.  Thenoodle company began in a one-room shop and he delivered his noodles fromstreet cars, while repairing his worn shoes with newspapers.  That companyand the others grew into thriving businesses that supported two moregenerations of the Tom family.

Hemarried my grandmother, Lillian, in 1922, after his first wife died frominfluenza.  She said that she spent her honeymoon in Niagara Falls decoding messages from Dr.Sun.  Even after Dr. Sun’s death in 1925, he continued to help China byraising money during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Thoughmy grandfather died in 1944, he left behind a legacy that carried through theTom family.  My uncle, father, and three aunts helped run and expand thefamily businesses through 2000.  They became very involved in variousChinese business, cultural, and social service organizations in Chicago’s Chinatown.

Myuncle was quoted in a 1965 newspaper article as saying of his father, “he had aburning desire to help China.”That desire could only have come from one person:  Dr. Sun Zhong-shan.

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文章来源:芝加哥侨学网   时间:2011年07月12日
本帖点击次数:501  次 评论: 11 条

芝加哥侨学网报道】在日前举行的“大芝加哥地区华侨华人辛亥革命100周年纪念会”上,各界侨领纷纷发发言,有讲国语的,有讲广东话,但还有一位讲英语的。这位讲英语的嘉宾名叫谭小平(Darryl Tom), 他是第三代华裔美国人。

谭小平( 华商会董事、现为律师)出席侨社辛亥革命纪念活动

在大会上,谭小平讲述了他的祖父谭赞(Tom Y. Chan)当年支持孙中山领导革命,并在1911年武昌起义后资助孙中山从美国取道欧洲回国的事迹。



1910年,孙中山在芝加哥与芝加哥地区的侨领们合影留念。一年后,孙中山领导的革命军推翻腐朽的满清王朝,建立中华民国。后排左三(另外一说为后排左四)为支持孙中山的芝加哥侨领谭赞(Tom Y. Chan)


谭赞同时也是一位成功的商人,坚信实业救国、实业报国的理想。据他的孙子谭小平介绍,谭赞开创的食品进口公司(Chinese Noodle Company)以及面粉厂生意,让谭氏家族三代人受益。谭赞育有二子三女,谭赞的子女在继续扩张和发展家族生意的同时,同样也是热心社区事务与公益。在谭赞的子女中,最著名的就是谭继平(Ping Tom, 1935 - 1995)。


谭继平是著名的华裔及亚裔社区领袖,曾担任著名已故联邦参议员保罗西蒙(Paul Simon)的顾问,已故芝加哥市长哈罗德华盛顿(Harold Washington)以及目前已退休的戴利市长(Richard Daley)的顾问,同时获得很多来自主流社会的荣誉。

在芝加哥华裔社区,谭继平是芝城华商会的创办人之一,也是首任会长,同时担任华人咨询服务处董事等诸多社团要职。谭继平对芝加哥华裔社区最大的贡献,当属1984年成立华埠发展公司(Chinese American Development Corporation),推出著名的“华埠广场”商业及住宅群工程,极大地扩张唐人街版图,让更多后来聚居唐人街的新移民有居住及发展商业的场所。华埠广场也就是大家所说的南华埠十二生肖广场所在地的大型商用楼群,以及北边的住宅群。


谭继平在1995年不幸病逝后,留下要在唐人街建设一处公园的遗愿。1999年,芝加哥公园管理委员会(Chicago Park District)批准在唐人街以北紧邻芝加哥河的12英亩土地上,建成一座公园,并命名为“Ping Tom Park”(谭继平公园),以纪念谭继平为亚裔社区作出的杰出贡献。非常值得指出的是,当年与谭继平一起推动唐人街建设的老一辈侨领仍有不少健在,包括现年90高龄的老侨领林钧堂,以及多年来慷慨捐赠华社公益的老侨领李秉枢(Raymond Lee)等。


(文:芝加哥侨学网     图片来源: 谭小平, 芝加哥美洲华裔博物馆
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