#1 千禧公园

Millennium Park/Cindy's Rooftop
You're surely no stranger to Millennium Park, and while it's a popular stop in peak tourist season, it should also be on your list of places to visit in peak fall. The 20-plus acre beauty within Grant Park includes elms, hawthorns and maples. Don't miss their changing leaves against the city skyline.

The rooftop restaurant and bar at the Chicago Athletic Association Hotel offers some of the best views of the city, with an expansive look at Millennium Park and Lake Michigan. This fall, it's also bound to provide an unforgettable look at autumn in Chicago, as the city below changes colors.
The rooftop restaurant and bar at the Chicago Athletic Association Hotel offers some of the best views of the city, with an expansive look at Millennium Park and the Lake. The drinks, from Nandini Khaund, are mostly balanced, and very pretty, while the American food is also mostly well-executed and comes in massive portions and is designed for sharing.
#2 林肯公园

Lincoln park
Leaf peeping in Lincoln Park is a no-brainer, as plenty of other amenities exist here, too. The kids can play on one of the many playgrounds in the area, or you can start the day with a date at the Lincoln Park Conservatory, pointing out all sorts of flora before strolling through the wonders outside the doors. Chicago's largest park has trees aplenty, with red maple, ash, birch and elm all standing tall. Take in the colors while on a jog or bike ride.
#3 密西根湖畔

@ Barry Butler (Twitter)

#4 芝加哥大学

University of Chicago
The U. of C.’s sprawling Hyde Park campus features its fair share of foliage. With the fall colors contrasting against the Hogwarts-y English Gothic architecture of the university’s stalwart structures, strolling the campus in the autumn could well put you in a back-to-school mood.
#5 606休闲小道

The 606
Get up close and personal with nature on this urban path that stretches through Logan Square, Humboldt Park and Wicker Park. Because the 2.7-mile walkway is elevated, you'll be able to see the tops of red and orange trees that line some of Chicago's hippest 'hoods. Plus, you can hop off and explore parks, coffee shops and restaurants along the way.
#1 芝加哥植物园

Chicago Botanic Garden
Everything you need to know about visiting the Chicago Botanic Garden (1000 Lake-Cook Rd, Glencoe IL 60022)
Located in Glencoe, IL, the Chicago Botanic Garden is a flower haven for city dwellers and suburbanites alike. Stroll through dozens of wildly different landscapes, including areas devoted to aquatic flowers, fruits and veggies, roses, prairie plants and woodland vegetation.
Admission to the Chicago Botanic Garden is free, and you can explore the grounds via foot or tram. Considering that the garden's permanent plant collection spans nearly 285 acres with more than 2.6 million plants, there's a lot to see. Cruise through the Bonsai Collection, the Aquatic Garden, Evening Island, greenhouses and more.

#2 莫顿植物园
The Morton Arboretum
地址: 4100 IL-53, Lisle, IL 60532
http://www.mortonarb.org/Morton Arboretum's树木植物园位于芝加哥郊区,曾经入选全美10个最佳秋色景点之一。该植物园占地面积1700亩,包括树林,园林,湖泊,草原。植物园里种植着不同国家风格的植物,并设有不同种类的展览馆,也是孩子们学习探索的乐园。这里四季的风景如画,吸着重多的游客。其中包括近200多种鸟类。在这里你可以沿着长达25公里的小路开车,旅行,蹬自行车。能够在这繁华的大都市里拥有如此之大的一边片森林区,并能欣赏到另人陶醉的秋色真的是难得!
距downtown Chicago 不到一个小时车程。

#3 瑞柏市河畔走廊
Naperville Riverwalk
地址:Riverwalk Park,
320 Jackson Ave, Naperville, IL 60540
http://naperville.il.us/riverwalk.aspxNaperville 城市的河畔小路兴建于1981年。为了纪念城市150周年庆典,城市的市民奉献出他们的时间,资金,材料等,把这坐美丽的城市河畔打造的秀丽多姿。河畔小路惯窜于市中心,由人工筑成的小路长达2。5公里,给这坐城市增添了另人惊喜一道风景。沿途两旁设有公园,球场,娱乐中心,休息室,艺术展品,钟表塔,游泳,划船,饭店,别墅,商店,图书馆等等。漫步在金色的河畔小路上,那充满着温馨,魅力,迷人的景色让这里的居民和游人留恋往返。
距downtown Chicago 不到一个小时车程。

#4 饥饿岩州立公园
Starved Rock State Park
地址:Starved Rock State Park, Oglesby, IL
http://www.starvedrockstatepark.org/Starved Rock位于伊利诺伊河畔,其名称是来自一个伊利尼维克(Illiniwek)的历史故事。波塔瓦托米人人(Potawatomi)试图报复渥太华庞蒂亚克(Ottawa Chief Pontiac)之死,在渥太华和盟军波塔瓦托米人围攻下,伊利尼维克人逃到山顶上的的岩石,直到他们被围困饿死。
赏枫季节游客特别多,为了停车位大家也要早点去。距downtown Chicago 一个半小时车程。

#5 日内瓦湖
Lake Geneva
地址:Lake Geneva, WI,53147
http://lakegenevawi.com/威斯康辛州有大大小小15000个内陆湖,位于东南角的日内瓦湖(Lake Geneva)名气则位列前茅,是密尔沃基和芝加哥都市人青睐的避暑胜地。而秋天的日内瓦湖又是一般别样的风采,湖岸会变得色彩斑斓,落叶给大地洒下金黄,仿佛置身于油画中。
日内瓦镇距Downtown Chicago不到两个小时的车程。
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