分销产品:我公司主营高端真皮系列原创、专利设计产品(全球统一质量、价格、服务和标准):Multifunctional2 in 1 Shearling Coats & Jackets系列、Sheepskin Coats & Jackets系列、Fur Shearling Coat系列、Leather Down Jackets系列、Leather Shoes系列、Leather Bags系列等等;同时,我们提供“量身定做”和“私人订制”服务(通常不收取额外的费用);纯天然和原生态的材质(来自澳大利亚、土耳其、西班牙、乌拉圭、荷兰、丹麦等),3D设计、激光裁剪、传统工艺和现代科技工艺,我们展示的是款式新颖,设计时尚,性价比高,利润比较可观!希望有兴趣的宝妈们、学生们、博主、网红等能人积极关注(专业化标准的产品+专业化标准的服务+专业化标准的管理=坚实的合作基础)。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ESciZpcrkk&t=60s
联系人: Frank / Water
联系电话:1-626-620-6846 / 86-139-571-16008
Address:No. 3678 East Desheng Road, Hangzhou, China (China Office)
CWMALLS,CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Social Cooperation, Promotion Series – “SincerelyRecruit North American Social Distributors and Spokesmen”
Seemore at: http://www.cwmalls.com/distribution
Toexpand online social marketing quickly, build more local network distributorsystems, and then to improve our overall local service capability and onlineshopping experience, and make you timely share and experience more featured newproducts with technology sense, artistry and patent; CWMALLS COMMODITY is nowhiring network products distributors in cities such as Montreal, Ottawa,Toronto, Edmonton of Canada, and New York, Washington, Boston, Chicago, LosAngeles, Houston, Miami, Philadelphia, Albany of the United States, male orfemale, ages, with at least bachelor degree, and should have certain economicfoundation and working experience, love internet sharing business.
SocialDistribution Requirements: You should have some network product expanding andpromoting experience (you’d better have some online shopping or retailingexperience in leather jackets, leather shoes, leather bags, etc.); be familiarwith local consumption habits and ideas; and also be familiar with promotion onsocial media (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, etc.) or have your ownstore on Etsy or other online shopping platforms, or have experience in these,or you have your own shopping website(we can offer support of technology andmarketing service for free); you should love internet sales business, beearnest, be good at innovation, be patient, be adept in sharing, and canquickly identify with our company’s values and ideas, and must have teamworkspirit. You will be our social network distributor as long as you complete aunified training session that we provide and pass the test.
SocialDistribution Profits: You are mainly responsible for making, analyzing andcarrying out the localize network promotion plan and related managementservices of CWMALLS COMMODITY; displaying our products (images, words, videosand so on) on various third-party platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest,YouTube, etc.) and your own platforms to facilitate the transaction, and thennotify us to send the product on behalf of you. Distributors mainly gaindistribution profits according to a certain commission rate. For an individualor a company, this is a innovative social marketing business model of startingyour business at “zero risk”, “zero stock” and “zero investment”; we provideunified product images and text information, as well as unified promotion expenses,logistics, and after-sales services, there is no need to hoard, one-to-onecustomer service; specific distribution profit is calculated based on salesperformance(Generally, the rate is between 20% - 30% of the retail price).
DistributionProducts: Our main products are genuine leather series original designer,patented new products (global unified quality, price, service and standard):Multifunctional 2 in 1 Shearling Coats & Jackets series, Sheepskin Coats& Jackets series, Fur Shearling Coat series, Leather Down Jackets series,Leather Shoes series, Leather Bags series, etc; meanwhile we offer “CustomMade” service and “Personal Tailor” Service(usually we don’t charge additionalfee); pure natural and ecological material(Australia, Turkey, Spain, Uruguay,the Netherlands. Denmark, etc.), 3D design, solid laser cutting, traditionalhandcraft and latest ethnological manufacture, what we show you are thefeatured new products with unique styles, fashion design, great value and goodprofit! Hope all interested mothers, students, bloggers, web celebrities andother elites to pay active attention! (Specialized Standard Product +Specialized Standard Service + Specialized Standard Management = Solid CooperationFoundation). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ESciZpcrkk&t=60s
Weare expecting your participation, CWMALLS will be more wonderful with you;profession makes outstanding, sharing is all in CWMALLS! CWMALLS mobile networkdistribution plan is the new stage that makes you and me!
o learn about all contents of CWMALLS COMMODITY, please visit WWW.CWMALLS.COMand check all the product and text contents (especially our Distribution Policy),or search “CWMALLS” on Google, so that we can have a better communication,understanding and cooperation.
CWMALLSCOMMODITY Mission: Integrating the world’s commodities for you to share andbenefit everyone! So that we need you, who are from all around the world, toactively participate in this great career!
Tel:1-626-620-6846 / 86-139-571-16008
Address:No. 3678 East Desheng Road, Hangzhou, China (China Office)