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CTA 三场招聘会 [复制链接]


CTA to Host Job Fairs for upcoming Red Line South Track Renewal Project

Agency Seeking Applicants for Part-Time Bus Operator Positions

The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) this month will host the first of several job fairs, intended to assist individuals interested in career opportunities as part-time bus operators (PTBOs) related to the 2013 Red Line South track renewal project.

CTA expects to hire as many as 400 part time bus operators to drive buses during the project; once hired, these bus operators will have a permanent position at CTA and will remain a part of the CTA workforce once the track renewal project ends.

The first fair will be held on Monday, July 30, 2012, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Chicago State University, 9501 S. King Drive, Chicago, Illinois.  

The fair is the first in a series of three community job fairs on Chicago’s South Side to seek applicants for PTBOs whose work will involve driving shuttle buses and operating buses that are part of CTA’s expanded supplemental service during the Red Line South project.  Once hired, these bus operators will have a permanent position at CTA and will remain a part of the CTA workforce once the track renewal project ends.

Other job fairs include:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

National Teachers Academy

55 W. Cermak Road

Chicago, Illinois

9 a.m. until 1 p.m.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kennedy-King College, Building

6301 S. Halsted Street

Chicago, Illinois

9 a.m. until 1 p.m.

“Today, we are pleased to announce CTA will be hiring 400 part time bus drivers that will be needed to support this project,” said Chicago Transit Board Chairman Terry Peterson.
“That’s 400 people who will be given a major opportunity to find jobs and permanent employment.
We know that so many Chicago communities are hurting along the footprint of this project and we are pleased to present them with an opportunity to re-enter the workforce.”

The fairs will provide information about the skills and training needed to become a bus operator, including the need for a Class “B” Commercial Driver’s License and about the CTA’s hiring process in general.

For more information, visit the CTA website atwww.transitchicago.com/redsouth, email at redlinesouth@transitchicago.com or send correspondence to Red Line South Project, CTA, 567 W. Lake Street, Chicago, IL, 60661.



据《世界日报》报道芝加哥大眾交通系統(CTA)總裁克萊普(Forrest Claypool)表示,明年5月起南邊紅線捷運關閉五個月修繕期間,CTA將增聘400位公車司機、控管員,並提供木工、電工、鐵工、勞工、操作員、水管工人等領域的工作機會。CTA並將自7月30日起,舉辦三場大型招聘說明會,首場7月30日將在芝加哥州立大學舉行。


CTA表示,要應徵巴士司機職務者,必須擁有B級執照(CDL),年齡在21歲以上,行車紀錄良好等條件。上述招聘工作,時薪起薪為19元,未來可升至29元,三個月後並可享有福利,雖然是合約工,但即使合約結束後,表現良好的工作人員,將有機會繼續留在CTA工作,詳情可電Chicago Urban League(773)285-5800,或電Olive-Harvey College(773)291-6100。

此外,求職者若符合人力投資法案(Workforce Investment Act)資格者,可獲得職業訓練機會。有意參加職訓者,可電中南人力投資中心(Mid-South Workforce Investment Center),電話(773)538-5627,或逕洽該中心,地址4314 S. Cattage Grove,Chicago IL。


CTA三場招聘會分為7月30日(周一)上午9時至下午1時,在芝加哥州立大學(Chicago State University),地址為9501 S.King Drive,Chicago,IL。
第二場為8月28日上午9時至下午1時,在國立教師學院(National Teachers Academy),地址為55 W.Cermak Road, Chicago,IL。
第三場9月15日在甘迺迪學院(Kennedy-King College),地址為Building 6301 S.Halsted Street),時間也是上午9時至下午1時。

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