滑冰是重要的奥运项目,职业自由滑十级水平是参加奥运会的门槛。 芝加哥有位叫王梦婷(Amanda Wang)的女孩,她在观看伦敦奥运会的时候,也许有著与众不同的期盼。王梦婷年仅12岁,就已获得了职业自由滑六级水平。 也许,在将来的奥运会赛场,人们将看到她的身影。

王梦婷是西郊204学区Still Middle School 的学生,学科门门拿A,多才多艺。“学什么爱什么,而且踏踏实实,持之以恒”,这是王梦婷的妈妈对女儿的自豪评价。王梦婷跟随史向彬老师学画画,几乎年年都在学校绘画比赛上获奖,2008年她的画作更是获得整个204学区绘画大赛二等奖, 2010年在Still Middle School 绘画大赛获第二名,并成为该校2010年年鉴(Yearbook)“风云人物”。2011年,她以一副水彩花卉,获得全美校园艺术大赛“Celebrating Arts”前十名。
王梦婷学习音乐,拉得一手小提琴,是学校合唱团成员,Still Chamber 交响乐团成员,更获得钢琴八级鉴定,即将参加“伊州音乐教育者协会交响乐团”(IMEA)的考核。王梦婷学习滑冰,则获得了职业自由滑六级水平,离奥运水平已为期不远。

王梦婷参加Celebrating Arts全美绘画大赛的获奖作品

作为在美国出生的华裔,王梦婷听、说、读、写的全方位中文水平让人引以为豪。她会背诵《三字经》,能阅读《读者》等中文大众刊物。所有参加本次科工专少年才艺大赛的选手,均被要求用三个词来形容他们对中国的印象,王梦婷曾跟随父母去过中国,她对中国的形容为:好玩(fun)、 人多(crowded)、现代(Modern)。
王梦婷对中国文化的继承,不仅局限在语言与古文典籍,还体现在中国式烹饪,她9岁时就开始自己做早餐,还会包汤圆,做蛋炒饭。王梦婷还具有美国式的独立精神,小小年纪就自己负责洗衣服,整理自己的房间。王梦婷认为自己是一个容易相处、对生活富有热情、思维开放的女孩,在她的心目中的, 妈妈、爸爸、哥哥最重要。

I’m Amanda Wang(王梦婷) . I’m a seventh grader at Still Middle School.
I go to Still Middle School. During the year, I have gotten high honor roll and straight A’s on all my subjects. I have also gotten into PA Math class. I joined 6th grade orchestra and was chosen to play in the Still Chamber Orchestra.
My favorite hobbies are art, ice skating, reading, music, gymnastics, dancing and a little chess. I started art when I was six years old – my favorite character – at the time – was “hello kitty”. In 2011, I got to Top 10 of “Celebrating Art ”contest(前十名,). In ice skating I am on level freestyle 6 over at All Season.
Two years ago at 2010, I joined Ice Arena’s skating team. I absolutely love having to read realistic fiction and humorous books. One of my favorite books is Knucklehead by Jon Scieszka. For music, I passed level 5 and am currently taking level 8 on the piano. I am preparing for the audition to get into the IMEA (Illinois Music Educators Association) orchestra.
When I was in fourth grade, I joined the choir. When I was 8, I started rhythmic gymnastics over at Elite Sports Complex. When I was going to Ray Chinese School, I joined their dancing class. Chess is a thing I sometimes play with my brother.
I describe myself as easy-going, passionate, and open-minded. I’m very easy-going because I don’t quit on anything and I know the consequences so I face them. The reason why I’m passionate is because I always care about my family and friends. Open-minded is an important part of all my talents or I wouldn’t be participating in this event.
首届科工专少年才艺大赛 欢迎报名!
时间:2012年8月18日(星期六,11:00 AM -4:30PM )
地点: 2012 “夏日朝阳,未来梦想” 野餐联谊会
Grove #1, Deer Grove East Forest Preserve,
Palatine, IL 60067
GPS 参考地址:1552 N Pepper Tree Dr, Palatine, IL 60067

(王梦婷为才艺大赛及野餐联谊会的 中文“题词” )
报名:科工专网上报名(http://www.acse.org ),截止8月17日
王亚勤 630-493-9647
张新亚 312-316-0981
于洪月 630-251-5359
李红卫 630-362-3928
潘 卫 914-841-3012