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MCA 2bR for sublease Jan10 to Jul31, UIC area [复制链接]

Medical Center Apartment 转租,1 月中到 7/31/13。
两室一厅 —宽敞
朝南 — 明亮暖和
坐落在UIC校园,步行2 分钟到蓝线 — 方便,安全
房租 $896/月, 包暖气和水 — 便宜
提供简单家具 — 省事

Medical Center Apartment Sublease from middle of January
2 bed room on (University of IL at Chicago) UIC campus, Available from the middle of Jan to the end of July
Face to south, extremely bright and warm
High rise with good street view, and very safe
Walk within 2 minutes to blue line
$896/month, including heating and water
Can provide simple furniture
Please contact 7704465543 if interested
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