据《星岛日报》报道,在2012年终,华埠公立图书馆的新家可能露出曙光!据桥港区DNAinfo.com Chicago 在18日的报导,芝加哥市政府计划购买唐人街的三块土地, 作为华埠公立图书馆的新址, 并指出新的唐人街公共图书馆将是一栋独立的建筑物,而不是报章曾经报道过的位于商业大楼的计划。
报道指出,在2012年12月11日,芝市公共建设局(Public Building Commission)同意将三块土地,即2101-2115 S Archer Ave; 2100-2110 S Wentworth Ave 和 2114 S Wentworth Ave,用作华埠公立图书馆的新大楼, 未来将设有面积宽广的阅读室,会议厅,新科技和足够的路旁停车位。2013年1月17日早上市议会将就此计划进行讨论。

Public Building Commission同意的唐人街新图书馆大楼地址(2101-2115 S Archer Ave; 2100-2110 S Wentworth Ave 和 2114 S Wentworth Ave),仍是百佳超市及停车场区域。此前媒体报道的房地产项目“联丰广场”,也拟在此区域开建。

相关房产开发商提出的 “联丰广场” 房产计划,拟拿出两层提供给唐人街新图书馆使用。上图为早前 “联丰广场” 项目开发商提供的“联丰广场”设计效果图。
芝加哥公立图书馆声称市府将耗资1500万元的特区税项优惠(TIF – Tax Increment Financing)作为兴建新图书馆的用途。
目前位于2353 S Wentworth Ave 的华埠公立图书馆,被芝加哥公立图书馆列入使用量最高,而面积拥挤,租金最高的公立图书馆。多年来,附近的公立学校从老师到学生,唐人街的居民都利用此图书馆吸取知识,开会,学生借书,做功课; 华谘处行政总监黄苏振恩,华埠更好团结联盟政策专业马静仪等社区领袖;多次表示华埠图书馆人流多,等着用电脑的人们要轮流排队很长的时间,才可以使用到电脑;有些学生要坐在地面做功课等, 盖建新馆,已经到了事不宜迟了。
今年9月间,芝市长伊曼纽发布对南环一带(South Loop)发展的计划,当时市长亦提及要利用特区税项优惠兴建华埠的新公立图书馆;让唐人街的局面带来了新希望。
芝加哥公立总图书馆发言人李莉瑟(Ruth Lednicer)也指出, 唐人街的居民对于新图书馆是耐心的等待;却坚持不退缩的争取多年, 只期望着总图书馆的议程中没有把唐人街忘了。
如果购买土地的提议被批 ,则华埠公立图书馆的新馆将会在2013年开始动土, 计划两年之后,唐人街一带的市民,将看到一栋多用途、容量大的全新图书馆。
芝城华埠公立图书馆迁馆的问题,已经在社区讨论了多年, 一直都没有获得市府、总图书馆、社区民众的一致认同;迁馆的问题从选址到盖馆也峰迴路转;几年来,为了选址的问题,社区民众、附近学校的师长、家长们、官方代表、社区领袖以及发展商等多方代表,也先后召开过多次的听证会。( 来源:星岛日报 梁敏育)
有关“联丰广场” 计划的相关详情,可点击本网新闻档案:
《 芝加哥中国城“联丰广场”: 市府开绿灯》(2012年3月)
DNAinfo.com Chicago英文报道的原文:
City Moves to Buy Land for New Chinatown Library
Updated December 18, 2012 7:00am By Casey Cora, DNAinfo.com

CHINATOWN — The proposed purchase of three new parcels of land brings the long-awaited construction of a new neighborhood library one step closer to reality.
The city’s public building commission on Dec. 11 approved a move to buy three lots— 2101-2115 S. Archer Ave., 2100-2110 S. Wentworth Ave. and 2114 S. Wentworth Ave. — for the construction of a new library that will feature a large reading room, meeting spaces, state-of-the-art technology and expanded on-street parking.
The measure is expected to go before the City Council next month.
Library officials said the city would use $15 million in tax increment financing to purchase land to build a new facility, a move that’s been in the works for several years as the community drummed up support to replace the cramped space at 2353 S. Wentworth Ave.
“It’s very, very crowded. The children and the adults, too, have to line up to use the computers. Our circulation is one of the tops in the city, but I feel that maybe we’re in one of the smallest buildings,” said Esther Wong, director of the nonprofit Chinese American Service League.
Theresa Mah, a policy analyst for the Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community, said the push for a new facility has been a years-long saga filled with twists and turns.
Earlier this year, residents learned of a plan to dedicate two floors for library space inside a proposed mixed-use development at Wentworth Street and Archer Avenue. The plans called for the library to be housed atop a food court and retail stores.
“At the time, it looked like that would be the only way forward," Mah said. Butthat development was reportedly scrapped.
Then in September, Mayor Rahm Emanuel surprised residents by including in a series of Near South Side projects the construction of a new, stand-alone Chinatown library using TIF money.
Chinatown residents "have been patient and yet quite persistent over many years in making sure of us having them on our agenda,” Chicago Public Library spokeswoman Ruth Lednicer said.
If the land purchases are approved, construction would start sometime next year and wrap up in about two years, library officials said.