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唐人街睡房分租 [复制链接]

Two rooms (one is half basement, the other is on 2nd Fl) in a single family house located in Chinatown center area (23rd Street) available. CTA red line, bus 62, 24, 21 station are all in 5 minutes walking range. Lots of Chinese restaurants and grocery stores are very close. It’s good for the students of UIC and IIT. The rent is $320 and $420, including all the utility and wireless internet. Please call 312 662 3512 or email: cjie1213@hotmail.com. Single only.  

位于唐人街二十三大街中心地段,房间干净明亮,中央冷暖气。地址优越,位于唐人街中心地段,地铁红线,公车62,24,21! 路等均在5分钟步行范围内。华人餐馆、超市咫尺之遥且众多,生活便利。适合UIC, IIT学生。月租$320/$420, 包水、电、煤和无线上网。只租单身人士。
有意者请打电话:312 662 3512  或 电邮 cjie1213@hotmail.com
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