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Big Moving Sale..... [复制链接]

1. Electric Kettle (hot pot):   $6
2. Honeywell Table Fan (only used onesummer):    $8
3. Standing Fan (second hand, very goodcondition) : $10
4. HTC WING phone (Unlocked) available with the followingaccessories: Handsfree, data cable, (The phone was brought off a dealswebsite a couple of months ago.. but since I got a new phone upgrade, I don'tneed the HTC wing anymore and hence selling it..):   $80

5. Bike:

Brand New TREX bike up for sale. The rear Tube was justchanged last week. Brake pads have also been changed recently and are in greatshape. The bike is Completely Rust free and will come with a LOCK which isworth 25$ in Wal-Mart...
The bike is completely tuned andrecently was oiled up as well. Moreover, the bike will sell with    80$ (fixed price.. no bargaining)
6.Selling an Almost new( used for barely 3months).. The Bed comes with a BOX + MATTRESS and the mattress has a 2 inchthick Cushion provided on the top for enhanced comfort. Its very Ergonomicallydesigned and is extremely Comfortable. Its a Full Sized Bed. See the picturesbelow. Bought it for $280.         Ask for $180.
7.Dawoo AC: BUT is 5340.(second hand, goodcondition)   $35
8. Desk: brand new. I bought it for $45 and onlyused for one year.   $20
9. bookcase: brand new .   $8
10. heater: brand new.  $ 25
11. lamp (brand new, include bulb)   $8
Please see the pictures in this link:

Please contact lucia5100921@gmail.com if interested.

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