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Following itemsfor sale.

Some miscellaneous items to give away too.

Please contactAllen (312) 823-0971 or shihlunchen@gmail.com

For more pictures,please visit http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/101067401702915113701

HolmesAir Purifier, $20. Like new.

Humidifier,$15. Like new.

Sampoelectric Kettle, $5.

IKEAMAMMUT 3 drawer Chest, $ 70. (Original price $129)

IKEAfolding table. $8. (Original price $19).

FloorLamp. $5.

HamiltonBeach Slow cooker, $15. (Original price $29.99)

MiffyRabbit telephone, $3

ShoppingCart, $8.

Hoovervacuum cleaner, $5.

StapleOffice Chair, $8.

13"television, $5.

Blueplastic storage drawer, $6.

Whiteplastic storage drawer (slim), $5.

9-inchBox Fan, $5.

IKEABEKYAM Kitchen Cart, $30. (Original Price 59.99)

Reebok4-pound Medicine Ball, $5. (Original price $29.99)

Sharp20" TV, $25.

Whiteplastic storage drawers, $8 each.

Blueindoor chair with flexible back support, $10 each.

IKEALACK side table. $3-5.
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