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A Biomedical Company Recruits Local Part time Counselors [复制链接]

Wonderful part-time job opportunities for biomedical researchers. No regular hours required. No need for travelling or investment.  A rapidly progressing biomedical research company ( www.zeebiologic.com ) invested by famous venture capitols is seeking responsible biomedical researchers in local research institute to fill these part-time positions. A much higher than market price compensation will be provided depending on applicants’ experience. Originated in Alabama, currently we already have a big customer pool in Southeast America. Lower price and top-rated quality  are guaranteed according to customer feedback.

Successful applicants are required to provide counseling service to local research community on behalf of our company and benefit from company sale in local research institute.

If you are interested in this program, please send an email of application and contact information to frankietsoo@gmail.com. Positions are limited, so HURRY UP.

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