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琪羽濛濛乐团 [复制链接]

琪羽濛濛乐团由张羽琪和韩濛两位女生组成。张羽琪擅长中国竹笛,唱歌,钢琴;韩濛则精通琵琶,古筝,柳琴,中阮等中国古典弦乐器。琪羽濛濛乐团已经在芝加哥市内市外的举行了很多场演出活动,比如美籍华人博物馆中秋音乐会,中国城百年诞辰庆典活动,月亮音乐节等。当地媒体,如 timeout 杂志, 中国日报,星岛日报,新亚电视等都为琪羽濛濛做过许多报道。琪羽濛濛致力于将中国国乐的美与内涵介绍给北美更多的朋友和观众。欢迎与其洽谈演出,教学和合作信息。

Jennifer & Isabelle is a Chicago-based music duo made up of two Chinese girls, Jennifer Yuqi Zhang and Isabelle Meng Han. Jennifer plays the Dizi (Chinese Bamboo Flute), the piano, and sings; whereas Isabelle plays a series of Chinese traditional string instruments, such as the Pipa (Chinese Lute) and the Guzheng (Chinese Zither). Individually accomplished musicians, they met each other and decided to form a band together in March of 2012. Not only they play beautiful classical Chinese music together, they also combine elements of pop music and western music into their performances. Jennifer & Isabelle has performed at various events, such as the Moon Festival Concert at Chinese American Museum of Chicago and the Chicago Chinatown Centennial Celebration. Widely liked by its audience, Jennifer & Isabelle has also appeared on various media publications such as the Time Out Magazine, the China Daily, the Singtao Daily and the SuncasTV. Please contact them for performance, teaching and collaboration opportunities.

网站| website: http://www.jenniferisabelle.com
联系方式| contact info:isabellejennifer@gmail.com
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