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One br China Town $300 for all - Central a/c & Heat [复制链接]

---位于中国城中心, 周围2-3分钟有公交车#62, #24, #44, #21路, 距红线地铁步行4-5分钟, 便于去IIT, DePaul, UIC, 15分钟内即可到达downtown,....

---这里有众多中国食品超市及餐馆, 生活极为方便.

--- 离图书馆一个街口,260 W. 24th St, Chicago, IL 60616

---  On the 2nd floor: face south so no sunshine in summer, plenty sunshine in winter.

---  $300 covers all fees except  internet, you can share with us.

---  No lease necessary, so really good for a single student.

---- To share a 3 br with two others: one girl and one gentleman.

Available immidiately.

Central air conditioning and heat.
Full size bed, some furniture,Fridge, stove,internet ready to connect.

For viewing, call 312- 239 -8816
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