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笨鸟先飞 (originally by DavidJeng2) [复制链接]

DavidJeng2: 响应号召,笨鸟先飞。请指教。自己觉得这两张照片有点问题,却又说不出问题在哪里。Fish: Nikon 7000, Nikon 18-200mm lens,1/50s, f/3.5, ISO800, 18 mm.
Model: Same camera and lens, 1/200s, f/5.6, ISO200, 116 mm.

drfcheng: Nice location for shooting some beautiful aquatic shots. Where is this tranquil site?
DavidJeng2It is located at the other side of Home Depot on Butterfield Road, Downers Grove,  in the building complex where the IRS office is.  This is the ground floor lobby of the main building.  There is a nice in-building dinning area in the building complex with good photographic views too.  You can sip a cup of coffee or get a sandwich from the cafeteria, and take some shots.  The building houses AIG company where my wife works.
drfcheng: Noted and thanks.
DavidJeng2 - 自我评语: Fish: 除了图像因镜头变形无法弥补以外(我没有 Light Room)这张照片的 focus 有问题。因为没带三角架(三角架是 pain in the neck 我能不带尽量不带)用 1/50s 是太慢了些。应该把 ISO 增加到至少 2000 再用 1/150s 或更快的速度曝光,图像可能会更好些。另外水池里的水似乎没生气,看上去好像加了 polarized filter 其实没加。如果角上有一点红莲花及圆叶就好了。还有其他的我就看不出来,反正觉得不太满意。Portrait: 背景虽然 Bokeh 尚称满意,但是色调上太强烈了些,有点喧宾夺主。不知道有什麽软件能把强烈的黄色降淡一些。可是即使有软件我也不会用。“杯具”      啊!其他的是这副墨镜煞风景,照不到眼睛就无法表现出感情。还有其他的我也看不出来,反正也不太满意。希望各位大师多加建议,多多指教。只有在互相讨论中交换意见,相互学习,才能进步。
drfcheng: IMHO here are my comments:
Picture 1 - too busy, too many items, what are you trying to tell the audience. Just keep it simple. The other technical issues are not that important.
Picture 2 - too many patterns, colors and distractions.
I have included a cropped version of picture 1, what do you think?

DavidJeng2Gee, wonderful!  Thank you for help.
I guess you solved my puzzle why I was not satisfied with the photos but did not really know what I was unsatisfied with.  Beauty is simplicity!  
However, to make the photo a bit sharper would also improve the results, would you say?
I think this kind of discussion would greatly improve the quality of our 'club'.  I cannot say for others, but I certainly learned a lot from those who are more experienced and/or more learned.

baomin: 如果是我,会把原图裁成下面这样,右边弯曲的池边能给画面一些动感。

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