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uic on campus apartment 出租 [复制链接]



I am looking for a FEMALE student in UIC who is willing to stay in SSR (single student residence hall) at UIC campus housing after this Fall semester. I need someone who can take over my room. Staying in campus housing has several advantages compared to off-campus housing. Housing fee includes electricity, heat, water, laundry fee, internet, and TV cable. Gym and cafeteria is within the 3 minutes distance. LHS library is within the 5 minutes distance. You can also access to the East campus by school bus, which is in front of this building.  The apartment is well furnished, There is no need to buy any furniture. I will generously provide you some of my appliances. The room is available this December 17 and the contract ends May 2015. This room is 3-person-suite. I paid $3,920 for this semester($980/month). Please contact me. 809 south damen (google map) Location: 809 South Damen

email: syeom6@uic.edu

cell#: 773-969-2694


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