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过去看了一眼,10号的Montrose 还不错,至少上了六七条吧,老美坛子上的,好像都是晚上。

Posted: 11:42pm - Sep 10,11    

Hey everyone, after striking out @ GP this AM, I decided to hit up Montrose this evening to check out the action. I fished from sunset till 10:00, and didn't catch anything, but here's the report. It was pretty packed when I got there, so I fished lake side for an hour or so till I could find a space in the mouth of the harbor. After an hour of inactivity, I put the gear away and walked the mouth of the harbor to see if anyone had caught anything, and found 4-5 fish on the pavement. While checking out the fish, I saw another 3 fish hooked (2 were landed, and 1 was broken off by a sailboat entering the harbor). Spoons seemed to be the bait of choice. Water clarity was not very good as far as I could tell, but the action seemed pretty steady anyway.
Good luck to you all. Hope this helps someone out.
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