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Fishing video and report [复制链接]


准备星期天早上去 Monstrose 试试看.

"Montrose 9/15,/16,/17

by salmonkiller_0 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:04 pm

spent the weekend killing it allover Montrose, started the Friday fishing the mouth of the harbor around 7p.m and got the first fish on at about 45 min in on a homemade spoon i made in the morning when i was bored. Ended the night at around 10p.m with 1-2. Nent morning got to the horse shoe at around 4 a.m and fished till 7 a.m. went 2-3! everyone was just killing them that morning, both kings were caught on a light-green thunderstick. Went back to the horse shoe this morning and once a gain FISH ON! got a nice chinook on the same thunderstick i used the other day, looks like it's time to hit em harbors and get to work boys TIGHT LINES
salmonkiller_0CLF Member"
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