回复 4楼aestro的帖子查了一下,就是娃娃鱼。按我们老家的说法,这玩意大补啊,哈哈哈。。。
这玩意的英文 salamander, hellbender salamander, 俗称 mud dog, mud puppy 啥的 这里是Nature.org 的资料,是濒危物种。
The Hellbender is the largest aquatic salamander in the United States.
Though some populations remain healthy, the hellbender is listed as near threatened by the IUCN mainly due to habitat loss and degradation.
Hellbender Salamander Key Facts
- Largest aquatic salamander in the United States
- Average size is 12-15 inches, but can be as long as 29 inches
- Nocturnal
- Diet: crayfish, small fish, tadpoles, toads, water snakes
- Absorbs oxygen from the water through its skin
- A "near-threatened" species due to habitat loss
Large Salamander Declining in Some Populations Also called such unflattering names as “mud devil,” “devil dog” and “ground puppy,” the hellbender salamander is
the largest aquatic salamander in the United States, growing as long as 29 inches, though the average is 12-15 inches. It can be found slowly crawling across the bottoms of clear, silt-free mountain streams from south New York to north Alabama. A separate subspecies, the
Ozark hellbender, is confined to a small part of southeast Missouri and northeast Arkansas.

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