http://dnr.state.il.us/education/turtle/other.htm自己在好好读读IL fishing regulation然后看看是不是人家只让拿common snapping turtle,然后是不是还有个时间段。
http://www.dnr.illinois.gov/fishing/Documents/IllinoisFishingInformation.pdf2015年IL fishing regulation第5页:
Common Snapping Turtle only) andAMPHIBIANS (Bullfrogs only)Methods of Taking and CaptureCommon snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina)may be taken only by hand, hook and line, or bowand arrow except in the following Illinois countieswhere bowfishing for common snapping turtles isnot permitted: Randolph, Perry, Franklin, Hamilton,White, gallatin, Saline, Williamson, Jackson,Union, Johnson, Pope, Hardin, Massac, Pulaski,and Alexander.The alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii)is protected and may not be taken by anysport fishing method.No person shall take common snapping turtles orany other reptile or amphibian by commercial fishingdevices, including, hoop nets, traps or seines orby the use of firearms, air guns or gas guns.
All other species of unprotected reptiles andamphibians (excluding common snapping turtlesand bullfrogs) may only be taken by hand. Thisshall not restrict the use of legally taken reptiles oramphibians as bait by anglers.Any captured reptiles or amphibians which are notto be retained in the possession of the captor shallbe immediately released at the site of capture,unless taken with a lethal method (such as bowand arrow, gig, spear, pitchfork) which does notpermit “release with no harm”. All such taken commonsnapping turtles and bullfrogs must be keptand counted in the daily catch creel or bag. Noculling of such taken species is permitted.No person shall take or possess any species ofreptile or amphibian listed as endangered or threatenedin Illinois (17 Ill. Adm. Code 1010 except asprovided by 17 Ill. Adm. Code 1070).SeasonCommon snapping turtles may be taken onlybetween June 15 and October 15, both dates inclusive.Common snapping turtles and bullfrogs may notbe taken by bowfishing tournament participants.Daily Catch and Possession Limits (except bowfishingtournaments)The daily catch limit for common snapping turtles is2 with a possession limit of 4. The daily catch limitfor bullfrogs is 8 with a possession limit of 16.For indigenous amphibian and reptile taxa, whichmay only be taken by hand, (excluding commonsnapping turtles and bullfrogs) the possession limitis 8 collectively with no more than 4 per taxa.
注意黑体字部分,人家说的很清楚啦,钓的方式,只可以搞common snapping turtle,还有牛蛙,而且只可以在 June 15 and October 15期间搞,数量限制:The daily catch limit for common snapping turtles is 2 with a possession limit of 4. The daily catch limit for bullfrogs is 8 with a possession limit of 16.
注意第二条黑体字部分,其他的非保护的龟或者蛙,可以用手抓,不可以钓。OK,咱先不说保护不保护的,大家谁能用手抓到王八?有这么牛B的同学吗?这手速得多快啊?还得不怕咬。 王八咬住了可是不松口的哦。大家搞的王八,有谁是手搞的吗?
TurtlesApalone mutica
Smooth Softshell仔细研究发现,王八有两种,他只保护了一种,见图:
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