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1. Never go ice fishing alone, always go with a buddy, or at least fish near other ice fishermen.
2. Always take a throwable device like a boat seat cushion, with at least 20 feet of rope attached. It may save your life or you may save someone else.
3. Always carry "Ice Picks". These are handy devices to help one get out of a hole. You will probably never use them, but ...
4. Any ice under 4 inches is not safe. The next step you could be in 2 inches of ice or less. I was once ice fishing Delevan Lake and walked about 20 yards past a group of fishermen. I drilled a hole and to my shock, the ice was only 1 1/2" deep. It was 5 inches deep where the other fishermen were.
I climbed back in my truck and went home. I found out later, that the spot where I was, "was open water yesterday".
5. Always be careful, don't rely on others and like a famous politician said "Trust, but verify"