Posted: 09:35pm - Apr 17,13
Late report. Got canceled from work yesterday. So I ask my son wer does he want to go chuky cheez or fishing? my son said lets go fishin! so me n my son went trout fishin by zion. We stop by LMA first to get some red minnows coz lately thats what the trout prefered. I told him wer goin to catch lots of fish bcoz bad weather s comin in tommorow. Luckily im right He reeled in most n lost a ton but its ok i wanted him to learn. Finally he gave up n we kept 7.
Mommy was so proud

Posted: 06:30pm - Apr 18,13
appreciated all the positive feedbacks guys
My son s four yrs old. Took him many times, but mostly by mchnry dam fishin for panfish wen he was only two yrs old n Couple times trolling @ the big pond. Back then he wasnt payin much attention. But lately, hes been wanting to go. Actually i worked nite shift last nite n by few hrs of sleep his waking me up to go again so hes really hooked. Hes also beggin me to buy him his own rod n reel so we made our way to LMA to get some more red minnows (florin ) then head to the pond. I told my son wer not goin to catch any fish today coz the water was stirred up, flooded,n theyre not hungry. He said how do u knw? We set up couples poles n wind kicked up and the air temp probably drop 10* instantly. We only stayed myb less than an hr. gone home empty handed. He was very disappointed. I assured him next time its goin to b a better day. Also after buying him mcdonalds he forgot everything
Had a blast the other day fishing with my son n reading lots of replies: priceless!